Friday 10 July 2009

Hand it over!

But of course this year there will be far fewer drunkards. For the brave men and women of the Police Service will be confiscating booze from those seen quaffing in the streets during Orangefest.

They even launched their own campaign to make sure that those damnable nuisance drinkers will be stopped in their tracks. Amid the acclamation of Nelson and co, the police stood strong in their clampdown on boozy parade followers.

But there may be a coincidence at work here. New Young Earth Creationist Environment Minister, Edwin Poots has plans afoot to tax plastic bags. What do most people carry their beer and cider in before tossing them on to the street? That’s right, Plastic bags!

If the police seize all the booze, they’ll be seizing the plastic bags too. Remove enough of the blue plastic bags creates an immediate demand for them from off-licences and various licensed premises. Where supply is short prices go up. With the price for plastic bags higher, more of a levy can be charged, raising more money for Edwin’s party colleague Finance Minister Sammy Wilson to line the Executive’s coffers.

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