Friday 15 May 2009

More traffic cluttering the internet highway

As many people may know the explosion of social media has been extraordinary. So much so the political parties are determined to show how hip, trendy and 'down with the kids' they really are.

Facebook is beginning to creak under the weight of fanboy, political party and individual politician pages.

The tweeple at twitter are twoubled by the number of politicos twittering off their tweets, including a number of the EU candidates.

Flickr is being inundated with photographs at a phenomenal rate, and just don't even mention youtube. Mind youtube is one of the most aptly named application with so many politicians on it and being so engaging, many insomniacs have finally had a nights sleep.

And to add to the internet's woes, new boy at Chambré Public Affairs, Ivor Whitten, has jumped unashamedly on the bandwagon. Slugger he ain't but his site,, seems to be shaping up quite nicely. Yes, before you ask he is also a at Ivor joins the Chambré team from the British Medical Association where he was Assembly and Research Officer for over 5 years. Go easy on him, he is only new.

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